Choosing the Right Breast Surgeon: Key Factors to Consider
Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.
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Losing weight is a significant accomplishment. But for those who have had massive weight loss after bariatric surgery, it's only half the battle. Oftentimes, excess, hanging skin sticks around to hide your hard-earned results. It comes as no surprise that as the number of patients undergoing weight loss surgery grows, so does the number of body contouring plastic surgery procedures. 2014 statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show that body-contouring procedures associated with massive weight loss are growing at a fast rate.
This 28 year old female disliked the loose appearance to her abdomen. She has a relatively long torso, and has rectus diastasis anatomy. Her belly button is concealed beneath a secondary roll of sk
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