Choosing the Right Breast Surgeon: Key Factors to Consider

Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.

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Mommy Makeover Results

This 35-year-old mom came to Sound Plastic Surgery wanting to address the heavy appearance of her breasts and abdomen. The amazing transformation you see was accomplished by undergoing a Mommy Makeover procedure, completely customized by one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.

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RealSelf Hall of Fame!

RealSelf has been the leading cosmetic plastic surgery platform for countless of existing and potential patients across the world! Which is why we are so excited for BOTH of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons to be recognized for their continuous dedication to patient education!

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Lower Body Lift

After losing 100 pounds or more, most people will notice big changes in their body contour! Many of our patients are left with excess skin of the abdomen and waist. Additionally, sagging thighs and buttocks can be bothersome.

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