Mommy Makeover Patient


This 42-year-old woman visited our clinic to discuss her dissatisfaction with the roundness of her abdomen, the fatty deposits along her back and waist, and the saggy appearance of her breasts. After a thorough discussion and exam, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons were able to treat her with a Mommy Makeover procedure, which consisted of a full tummy tuck, liposuction of the back and waist zones, as well as a breast lift. You can see that her abdomen is noticeably flatter, which is due to the excision of fat from the back of the tummy flap. Her breasts appear more youthful after lifting and removing additional skin, while liposuction was used to reduce the fattiness along her back and waist, giving her a more defined contour.

Call TODAY to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons!

(206) 729-2248