Breast Aug Recovery


When patients come to us inquiring about breast augmentation, they often have just as many questions about the recovery time as the procedure itself: how long until I can return to work? What kind of help will I need? Will I be able to exercise?

Every breast augmentation is tailored to fit the needs of each individual patient so some recovery instructions may vary; however, adequate planning is essential to the healing process and overall results. After the procedure, the breasts will be wrapped in a support bra to support the new implant position. Because this is an outpatient procedure, patients are able to return home once they’ve stabilized after surgery, and are monitored for the first 24 hours by a trusted friend or family member to oversee their progress and report any postoperative issues. Most of our patients return to work after just a few days of proper pain management and rest. Although some light exercises are encouraged to promote mobility and recovery time, exercise that activates the pectoral muscles, such as pull ups, gymnastics, push ups and heavy barbell exercises should be avoided for four to six weeks. At Sound Plastic Surgery, our surgeons also make themselves personally available to patients in recovery, as to ensure optimal healing and patient care.

Call TODAY to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons!

(206) 729-2248