Botox vs. Depression


Studies conducted in 2006, 2012, 2014, and most recently in 2017, all support the theory that botox might be an effective treatment option for patients experiencing symptoms of depression. More interestingly, observations indicate a deeper psychological cause behind the effect; that the positive reaction felt by participants was less related to their appearance, and more so related to not being able to facially-express their negative emotions. Because facial expressions send specific feedback to the brain, disabling the ability to grimace interrupts that negative mental reaction. “When you treat the glabella area, our patients have less negative emotions and can be happier, based on facial feedback and embodiment,” explained Dr. Mark Nestor, M.D, Ph.D, of the Center for Clinical and Cosmetic Research in Aventrura, Florida. If you’re considering botox as an alternative treatment to aid with depression, it’s important to first speak with your doctor to further discuss the benefits and possible side effects.
At Sound Plastic Surgery, we offer botox services for aesthetic relief, reducing masseter muscle volume, and addressing hyperhidrosis.

Call TODAY to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our Botox Injectors!
