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Seattle Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Seattle Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Board Certified Plastic surgeons Dr. Cooper & Dr. Sattler specialize in plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery and hair replacement surgery for the Seattle area.
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"Dr. Sattler and Dr. Cooper are wonderful plastic surgeons and I would definitely recommend them! Their staff are amazing as well. They make me feel welcome and valued, not only as a patient, but as a person."
Sound Plastic Surgery Blog Posts
Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.
Every day factors such as genetics, diet, and age can contribute to the loss of muscle throughout the years, which ultimately lowers your metabolic rate. This makes it harder as we get older to lose and keep weight off.
Convenient Seattle Location
We’re located adjacent to the University Village Shopping Center in NE Seattle, close to where you live, work and shop.